A few days back, a friend and I were invited to talk about our passion. My friend, Mimi, on being a fashion designer and me on being a makeup artist. We were thrilled, because other than the opportunity to advertise ourselves, we will be sharing about what we were passionate about. If this happened two years ago, I never would've said yes to talking to a crowd. Although luckily, my nature of work has led me to become a little bit more confident about myself when putting myself in front. Yay!
I talked about my passion in being a makeup artist, and it being my sideline. The brand, the story behind it, how it started, and what makes me happy about it. We were also asked on how we pushed ourselves to push through with our passions, so I shared a quote my boss molded me to live by, and what motivated me to decide on finally being a makeup artist.
Whenever my boss asked me to facilitate trainings, I would always say "I'm not quite ready yet.", and he always responds with "No one will ever be ready." Which is actually true, no one will ever be truly ready for something, so might as well go for it.
This quote is something I read recently, when I was in a state where I was lost and already doubtful about the path I took. A friend of mine said, talent will never survive any industry. Which made me realize, talent is great and it's an edge to start something, but determination will always have the upper hand at the end of the day. You can't expect being a top tier makeup artist in a span of a few days, weeks or months. Everything is a learning process, and with learning, there will always be improvement.
It was a fun talk, and I hope they were able to learn a few things from it. It was nice to share about something you love to do, which is rare these days.
Also, I was asked to do an 'Easy, Everyday Makeup for Pharmacists at Work'. I opted for a no fuss, barely there look that is quick enough to do in 5 or 10 minutes with only about 5 to 6 products to use.