In HIMYM, Ted once said that nothing good ever happens after 2AM, and even if in most cases it may be true, for this one, I'd beg to differ.
I never really planned this out very well, like how a chef would start a restaurant, or a designer would start a brand. I started this, just like how I normally would - an impulsive thought at 3AM.
When the idea finally sunk in, all I could ever think of is "Start, and don't ever stop."
I started out with very little tools and makeup in my kit, even bringing out some from my personal collection to bring to gigs. Slowly, my kit started growing, even more than what I expected it to be.
I've always heard from my friends or clients, about how expensive my kit was, even asking me if the money I get from these gigs were enough to compensate for it. "Well, I'm still starting out and besides, it makes me happy so I'm really not into making money out of it yet." is what I always reply.
Though, more often than not, there were moments where I started to really doubt myself, crying to friends or loved ones, thinking if this was still something I should do. Many of these times, I honestly thought of giving up. But thank God for the right set of people around me who constantly tell me to push through.
I may not have gotten tons and tons of clients this year, but I think I got something better - repeat clients. Repeat clients, who now weren't just another 'business', but friends who I can now talk with about recent events, and Game of Thrones theories.
I may talk like I've already mastered this, but trust me, I know I have a long way to go. I know I still have a lot to learn, and a lot to improve. But I know I'll get there and I won't stop getting there.
To my loved ones, I never would've pushed through if it weren't for you. Thank you for being my rock and always telling me to keep going. To the people I have worked with this year, I can never thank you enough for the trust you've put into me, and trusting me again for the second or third time. I will always owe this growth and confidence to you.
I may not exactly be 'there' yet, but I'm on my way